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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Posted by yalla bena On 15:40
Successful pest control marketing can be as simple as parking in the right place. Let me explain.
A while back I presented a 2 hour seminar specifically for pest control operators. There were about 25 people in attendance.
The meeting was held at popular a restaurant located on a major, busy highway. Literally thousands of people (potential customers) pass up and down this particular stretch of highway every day.
At the beginning of the meeting I pointed out to everyone that only two pest control vehicles were parked in front of the restaurant.
Not only could everyone coming into the restaurant parking lot immediately see those two vehicles, but so could everyone passing along that busy highway.
All of the other vehicles were parked out back, behind the building and out of sight from the road.
My question to the attendees was this: Why would you pay a lot of money to put the name of your company and your contact information on the side of your vehicle and then hide it by parking in the rear of a busy restaurant... completely out of sight of a busy highway... with tons of potential new customers passing by every minute?
What are you thinking?
Your vehicle is a rolling billboard for YOU and YOUR BUSINESS!
What do you want it to do for you besides just getting you from one place to another?
Do you want your vehicle to act as a sales person and get you more new customers?
Do you want your vehicle to trigger a buying response in some stranger and cause them to write down your phone number and call you later to schedule an appointment?
Of course you do.
But... in order for those things to happen... your vehicle must be seen by them.
This includes restaurants, schools, churches & synagogues, grocery stores, town meeting halls, ball games, soccer practice, shopping malls, swimming pools, boat ramps, dog groomers, friend's houses, hair salons, tennis courts... and wherever else you go in your vehicle.
And this especially includes while you're at a customer's home. You should always park your vehicle where it is visible from the street and anyone passing by can see it.
If you drive around back and park where no one can see your vehicle, then you are wasting a great opportunity to market your business to the neighborhood.
Now... go move your vehicle to a good spot and let it work for YOU!
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